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30 Nov - 11 Dec 2020
THE digital congress for neurotechnology innovation and growth,
This interactive 2-week virtual conference hosted by features keynote speakers, panels, interviews, breakout sessions, networking opportunities ... and more.
Get Full Access to Neurotech 2020 Conference Content

Only for 70 GBP

Neuro-gaming : Biohacking and new devices : Wearables : Surface stimulation : Bio feedback : HRV/EMG : Nootropics : Neurofeedback: EEG
Neuroimaging : Treatments for Alzheimer’s and cognitive disorders : Conquering paralysis : Neuromodulation : Neuroethics : Brain computer interfaces
Neuroceuticals : Electroceuticals : GABA : Dopamine : Serotonin : Behavioural Neuropharmacology : New modalities in epilepsy : Next-generation psychiatry : Spinal cord stimulation
Neurological biomarkers : Cognitive assessment : Overcoming the obstacles of brain-computer interfacing : Diagnostic medicine : Singularity : Neuroprotection : Ethical analysis, neuroethics and the social impact of brain machine interface : Neuroprosthetics : The role of machine learning : Neuroergonomics - neurotech for every day
Start-up pitch events : Investment sessions : Investor panel and start ups : Neurotech IPOs/success stories (founder speech) : Industry (DARPA) : Industry groups
Consumer Tech

30 November & 01 December 2020


Neuro-gaming : Biohacking and new devices : Wearables : Surface stimulation : Bio feedback : HRV/EMG : Nootropics : Neurofeedback: EEG


Host introduction from Alon Braun of
Alon Braun
30 nov
30 November - Consumer tech: AGENDA
Dave Asprey.png
40 Years of Zen
Stress Reprogramming for Cognitive Enhancement
Dave Asprey
Andreas Forsland.jpeg
Say "Hello" with Cognixion's Wearable Speech™ project, a closed-loop wireless brain computer interface for augmented reality
Andreas Forsland
Ariel Garten.jpeg
Fireside chat with Alon Braun about Muse
Ariel Garten
Max Newlon.jpeg
President: BrainCo
From brainwaves to action, or how to put the brain back into the brain-computer interface.
Max Newlon
Rohan Dixit.jpeg
Founder: Lief Therapeutics

Heart Rate Variability as a biomarker of emotion, mental health, and stress


How to improve HRV through biofeedback -Lief smart patch (demo) -Partnerships with healthcare organizations


Future of Lief's approach to mental health -Lief smart patch.

Rohan Dixit
Tuesday 01 December
01 December - Consumer tech: AGENDA
Jacob Flood.jpeg
Founder & CEO: Eno
The impact of Focus on work in a post-COVID world, and how neurotech can help improve our productivity and adapt to the new normal.
Jacob Flood
Nickolai Vysokov.jpeg
CEO: BrainPatch
Mental health during pandemic - are there consumer neurotech solutions on the market?
Nickolai Vysokov
Dave Rabin.jpeg
Co-Founder & Chief Innovation Officer: Apollo Neuroscience
Wearables, AI, and the Future of Health.
Dave Rabin
John David Chibuk.jpeg
Co-Founder at BlueberryX
The history and journey of the glasses to date and where we are going in the near and long term future.
John David Chibuk
Gustaf Kranck .jpeg
Founder & CEO: Vagus Health Ltd
The Vagus Nerve and the new 'Vagus ECG Test'. pre-video / show and tell.
Gustaf Kranck
Dr. Alcaide.png
Co-Founder: Neurable
Breaking down the consumer BCI: building Neurotech for everyday use.
Dr. Alcaide
Elisa Lesca.jpeg
Co-Founder: Drowzee
Drowzee - rewire your brain for better sleep.
Elisa Lesca
Tatiana Aleksandrova.jpeg
Chief Commercial Officer: Impulse Neiry
BCI in Education. Use Cases, Success and Obstacles.
Tatiana Aleksandrova

02 December & 03 December 2020


Neuroimaging : Treatments for Alzheimer’s and cognitive disorders : Conquering paralysis : Neuromodulation : Neuroethics : Brain computer interfaces

2 dec
02 December - Research: AGENDA
Yannick Roy.png
Co-founder NeurotechX
Yannick Roy
Chris Berka.png
CEO and Owner: Advanced Brain Monitoring
EEG: A Vision into the Future Solutions to Neurodegenerative Disease
Chris Berka
Ladan Jiracek.png
Founder: Neural Implant Podcast and Neurotech CEO Peer Support Group
Neural Implant Podcast / Mastermind program for neurotech CEOs.
Ladan Jiracek
Mina Mirjalili.png
Ph.D. Candidate, University of Toronto
Closed-loop Brain Stimulation Systems using Artificial Intelligence. Where do we stand? What is the prospect?
Mina Mirjalili
Paul Shotbolt.png
Virtual Reality and Brain/Machine Inferface use in functional neurological disorders
Paul Shotbolt
Hannah Hare.png
Product Development Physicist: The Technology Partnership
Sensors for BCIs: a practical guide to mind reading.
Hannah Hare
Ariel Ionescu.png
Ph.D candidate in neurobiology, Sagol University
Slowing Motor Function Decline - Neuromuscular Synspse-on a Chip Platform for Personalized Drug Screening
Ariel Ionescu
Dorian Haci.png
Researcher: Imperial College London

Imperial College (introduction to the Next Generation Neural Interfaces lab)

Description of our research projects (2-3 examples of the neurotech projects we are currently working on)

Dorian Haci
Codi Gharagouzloo.png
CEO: Imaginostics
Quantitative neuroimaging biomarkers for precision medicine.
Codi Gharagouzloo
Shawn Watson.png
CEO: Senescence Life Sciences
Brain health products and personalized tracking.
Shawn Watson
03 december
Thursday 03 December
03 December - Research: AGENDA
Asaf Harel.png
Chairman Of The Board at Brainstorm IL
National platform for increasing research dynamics and innovation.
Asaf Harel
Dino Levy.png
Associate professor: Tel-Aviv University and the Head of the Neuroeconomics and Neuromarketing lab
Data on our neuromarketing study that uses a deep learning network that we developed to analyse EEG signals and predict subjects' future preferences.
Dino Levy
Alain Nogaret.png
Professor: Bath Uni
Artificial neurons as therapies for chronic disease.
Alain Nogaret
Frank Zanow.png
CEO: Neuromotion
The future of mobile EEG and pervasive neurotech.
Frank Zanow
Javier Minguez.png
Co-founder and CSO of Bitbrain
Driving brain-computer interface research to society
Javier Minguez
Christian Kusmitsch.png

CEO & Co-Founder: Mindset Technologies


Mindset 4.0

Brain health products and personalized tracking.
Christian Kusmitsch
Maroun Farah.png
Maroun Farah: CEO Sensomedical
Converting neuroscience research into actual marketed medical devices – processes and challenges.
Maroun Farah
Raul C. Muresan.png
President Transylvanian Institute of Neuroscience
From brainwaves to action, or how to put the brain back into the brain-computer interface.
Raul C. Muresan
Yaneer Bar-Yam.png
Professor and President New England Complex Systems Institute, Founder network.
Stopping COVID.
Yaneer Bar-Yam

04 December & 07 December 2020


Neuroceuticals : Electroceuticals : GABA : Dopamine : Serotonin : Behavioural Neuropharmacology : New modalities in epilepsy : Next-generation psychiatry : Spinal cord stimulation

4 december
04 December - Clinical: AGENDA
Neil Paulvin.png
Owner at Dr Neil Paulvin
Biohacking Combining Tech and Supplements
Neil Paulvin
Pawel Soluch.png
Founder & CEO: Neuro Device Group
Voic - a comprehensive therapy for post-stroke aphasia and other cognitive disorders.
Pawel Soluch
Nathan Copeland.png
Neurotechnology Consultant
Part of a brain computer interface study through the University of Pittsburgh
Nathan Copeland
Nicholas Peatfield.png
Founder & CEO ProtoMe Technologies
One device to rule them all? The role of multimodal imaging in epilepsy presurgical work-up.
Talk abstract: This talk with use the case-study of epilepsy clinical work-up to highlight the need for unified precision software solutions within the neurotechnology space.
Nicholas Peatfield
Ricardo Gil-da-Costa.png
Founder & CEO: Neuroverse
Paving the way for brain wearables in Mental Health: BrainVitals®M revolutionizing migraine prediction.
Ricardo Gil-da-Costa
Todd Shapiro.png
CEO: Red Light Truffles
Todd Shapiro
Brian Bradley.png
Vice President: Egoscue
Biohacking Combining Tech and Supplements
Brian Bradley
7 December
Monday 07 December
07 December - Clinical: AGENDA
Sabria Lagoun.png
The Brainstorms Vienna:
Sabria Lagoun
Aniko Fejes.png
The Brainstorms Vienna:
Aniko Fejes
Szabolcs Biro.png
The Brainstorms Vienna:
Szabolcs Biro
Carolina Aguilar.png
How Graphene is helping transforming Neurotech
Carolina Aguilar
Victor Pikov.png
Founder & CEO: MediPace
Clinical applications of bioelectronic medicine
Victor Pikov
Marinela Gombosev.png
CEO of Evoke Neuroscience
An annual brain check at your doctor’s office: where we're at and where we're going. PLUS, what studies are showing about COVID impact on the brain.
Marinela Gombosev
Ian Burkhart.png
Ian Burkhart Foundation
BCI Neuroprosthetics, A users prospective.
Ian Burkhart
Daniel Mansson.png
CEO and Founder: Flow Neuroscience
How an at-home tDCS device reduces depression without the need for medication.
Daniel Mansson
Patrick Porter.png
Founder and CEO: BrainTap
BioHacking the Brain with Light, Sound & Vobration.
Patrick Porter
Owen Phillips.png
CEO of and Co-Founder: Brainkey
Brain Age - What is it? Why does is it important?
Owen Phillips
Marcus Gerhardt.png
Co-founder, CEO & CFO: Blackrock Systems
Hear– Talk– See– Walk Again: Blackrock, the ‘Intel’ Inside.
Marcus Gerhardt
Bob Schmidt.png
Founder & Chairman: Cleveland Medical Devices
Clinical Studies for Movement Disorders using Remote Patient Monitoring.
Bob Schmidt

08 December & 09 December 2020


Neurological biomarkers : Cognitive assessment : Overcoming the obstacles of brain-computer interfacing : Diagnostic medicine : Singularity : Neuroprotection : Ethical analysis, neuroethics and the social impact of brain machine interface : Neuroprosthetics : The role of machine learning : Neuroergonomics - neurotech for every day

8 December
08 December - Longevity: AGENDA
Phil Newman.png
CEO & Founder: First Longevity
Phil Newman
Jean Hebert.png
Professor: Departments of Neuroscience and Genetics and Stem Cell Institute Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Cell Transplantation for Neocortical Repair - Clues on How to Get There
Jean Hebert
David Wood.png
Futurist, catalyst, author, singularitarian
From enhanced phones to enhanced brains
David Wood
Randall Williams.png
Detecting and Tracking Cognitive Decline: Can Alexa Best The Academic Experts?
Randall Williams
Amir Bozorgzadeh.png
Cofounder & CEO: Virtuleap
How VR is unlocking the neurosciences
Amir Bozorgzadeh
Zoltan Istvan.png
Author of Transhumanist Bill of Rights, Presidential Candidate
Transhumanism and the Longevity Movement
Zoltan Istvan
Jose Cordeiro.png
Futurist, Author Executive Director, Ibero-American Futurists Network (RIBER)
The death of death: neuro and biological immortality.
Jose Cordeiro
Owen Phillips.png
CEO & Co-Founder: Brainkey
Brain Age - What is it? Why is it important?
Owen Phillips
Bernardo Kastrup.png
Founder: Bernardo Kastrup
Bernardo Kastrup's meditations on life and the universe.
Bernardo Kastrup
Dan Rizzuto.png
CEO: Nia Therapeutics
Personalized neurostimulation therapy to restore memory after brain injury and disease.
Dan Rizzuto
9 December
Wednesday 09 December
09 December - Longevity: AGENDA
Phil Newman.png
CEO & Founder: First Longevity
Phil Newman
Richard Siow.png
Director of Ageing Research: King’s College London (ARK)
Richard Siow
Anthony DePasqua.png
CEO & Co-Founder EnClear Therapies
Longevity, accessing CSF to clear age related toxicity from the brain and spine
Anthony DePasqua
Emil Hewage.png
CEO and co-founder: BIOS
BIOS Health's work in leveraging recent breakthroughs in AI and Machine Learning to isolate neural biomarkers to precisely link nerve activity to specific chronic health conditions.
Emil Hewage
Uri Ashrey.png
Sagol School of Neuroscience
New Frontiers in Neuroscience. Neurodegenerative disease and the use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) in Alzheimer's disease
Uri Ashery
Joe Geraci.png
Chief AI Officer & President: Netramark
Demo our unique interactive AI platform for R&D acceleration. This suite of technologies is allowing us to impact neurodegeneration by providing new perspectives on disorders.
Joe Geraci
Rohit Talwar.png
CEO: Fast Future
Crossing Over - Mainstreaming the Longevity Marketplace
Rohit Talwar
Bruce Duncan.png
M.Ed., Terasem Movement Foundation Inc.,
An interactive program for attendees including a Q&A with our android Bina48
Bruce Duncan
Phil Kennedy.png
Chief scientist & CEO: Neural Signals Inc
Extending the longevity of locked-in people by using the speech prosthetic for silent speech.
Phil Kennedy
Marios Kyriazis.png
Biomedical Gerentologist
Cognitive Hormesis Reduces Age-Related Degeneration.
Marios Kyriazis
Richard Hanbury.png
CEO: Sana Health
Audiovisual neuromodulation for pain, mental health relief, and improving wellbeing. A novel device undergoing multiple pivotal FDA trials.
Richard Hanbury

10 December thru 11 December 2020


Start-up pitch events : Investment sessions : Investor panel and start ups : Neurotech IPOs/success stories (founder speech) : Industry (DARPA) : Industry groups

10 December
10 December - Investment: AGENDA
Phil Newman.png
CEO & Founder: First Longevity
Phil Newman
Tim Mullen.png
CEO & Research Director Intheon
Past, Present, and Future Brain-Computer Interface Technologies.
Tim Mullen
Hagit Alon.png
Chief Scientist at Joy Ventures
Academia as the engine for new venture creation in the neurotech space.
Hagit Alon
Wesley King.png
Health and Disruptive Tech Investments
(investment banker that focuses on the early-stage transformative technology market, including neurotech)
Wesley King
Dmitry Kaminskiy.png
Managing Partner & Co-founder: Deep Knowledge Group & NeuroTech Analytics
Convergence of NeuroTech, AgeTech, mHealth with FinTech from investors perspective. Major takeouts from the NeuroTech 2020 Industry Report.
Dmitry Kaminskiy
Bruce Barclay.png
Partner at Axon Capital Partners
Investment in brain health for longevity.
Bruce Barclay
Alon Braun.png
Founder Neurotech2020 & Co-founder
The secret key to your entrepreneur journey success.
Alon Braun
Franco Cortese.png
Partner at Longevity.Capital
New analytical reports.
Franco Cortese
Sergey Balasanyan.png
CEO & Co-Founder: Longevity Card
Convergence of NeuroTech, AgeTech, mHealth with FinTech from investors perspective. Major takeouts from the NeuroTech 2020 Industry Report.
Sergey Balasanyan
Petr Sramek.png
Managing Partner: - early stage startup investments landscape.
Petr Sramek
11 December
Friday 11 December
11 December - Start-up & Scale-up Slam: AGENDA
Adam Sefler.png
Co-founder & President: NeuroTechX Services
Adam Sefler
Roberto Luongo 2.png
Co-Founder: Mensior
A single EEG sensor application for safer workplaces and for mental status feedback to online video gamers.
Roberto Luongo
Francois Gand.png
Founder and CEO: NURO
COMMUNICATION BY BRAIN  Over the past 6 years, the NURO Team has been building NUOS, the Neural Operating System.  Discover how NUOS is today emerging as the non-invasive standard for communication and computing by brain for highly incapacitated patients.
Francois Gand
Nick Halper.png
Neuroscientist turned business strategist
Implantable Neuromodulation for Cognitive Enhancement.
Nick Halper
Martin Dinov.png
Founder and CEO, Chief Scientist and Engineer: Maaind
Mind-adaptive experiences through voice and biometrics.
Martin Dinov
Brian Gordon.png
Chief Technology Officer: Bionic Vision Technologies
Bionic Vision Technologies' story.
Brian Gordon
Lorenzo Sani.png
Software Engineer | Neurotechnology student
Mindlayer: no-code medical data analysis
Lorenzo Sani
Kirill Korotaev.png
Co-Founder & CEO: Purple Gaze
Purple Gaze helps to boost neuroscience research and identify brain disorders by providing high performance Eye Tracking software & hardware.
Kirill Korotaev
Stefan Chmelik.png
CEO & Founder: Bioself and Sensate
Fireside chat with Adam Sefler about Sensate.
Stefan Chmelik
Ioana Georgescu.png
Co-founder: BRAINFY
Brain Longevity – harnessing the power of cognitive enhancement.
Ioana Georgescu
Mohit Patil.png
Co-founder: BrainForce
Mohit Patil
AJ Keller.png
CEO: Neurosity
AJ Keller is the company’s CEO. Learn about how he spent the past five years building a cash efficient company and 50% product margins. Version 3 product launches in 2021.
AJ Keller
Jason Farquhar.png
Lead System Architect: MindAffect
Fireside chat with Adam Sefler about MindAffect.
Jason Farquhar
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